Kamal Aljafari is a Palestinian filmmaker renowned for his distinctive approach to cinema. After studying at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne, he now resides in Berlin, Germany. Aljafari has shared his expertise in filmmaking through teaching positions at The New School in New York and the Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie in Berlin. His contributions to the field were recognised with fellowships at the Film Study Center - Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University and most recently at the Institute for Ideas and Imagination, Columbia University 2024-2025. In May 2024, IndieLisboa will highlight his contributions to cinema by dedicating its retrospective Section to his work and it will take place at the Portuguese cinematheque. Additionally, his installation “The Camera of the Dispossessed” was showcased at the 35th Bienal de São Paulo (2023).  His film “A Fidai Film” won the Grand Jury Prize Burning Lights Competition at Visions du Réel 2024, and the GNCR/Ciné+ Distribution Support Prize/ Renaud Victor Prize at FID Marseille. He is currently developing a fiction film, “Beirut 1931”, set to be shot in Jaffa.

Kamal Aljafari is one of the artists feautured in The Clouds, They Look Like Mountains, curated by Nasrin Himada—showing October 21-27, 2024 at Articule.

The vernissage will take place on:
Wednesday ⧆ Oct 23 2024 at Articule

The event is free, but you can make a donation: