Corazón de Robota [CL] // makes retro-technological and techno-manual noise creations from low-cost low-tech sound artifacts & electronic recycling. Her sound performance stages synthesizers, sequencers, drum machines, filters and handmade distortions, incorporating error and electronic aberration. Device arrangement is not fixed. She uses her DIY instruments as non-standard modules that are interconnected by cables. Signals and sound are therefore always unique, a chaotic organization of textures, feedbacks and random patterns that are set up live to explore and experiment with the rhythmic dimensions of noise. The various sonorities generated go through the spectrum of audible and inaudible frequencies, leading us into a sensory journey of physical perceptions, vibrations, frequencies and demodulation of cosmic messages.
Corazón de Robota’s DIY devices embody the philosophy of Electronic Anarchy and are all made using open source hardware.
Soundcloud: corazonderobota
Facebook: Corazón-de-Robota
Corazón de Robota will perform on Thursday, July 26 2081 at Le Ritz P.D.B.